

  • Voting dates and times
  • Voting locations
  • Poll worker training
  • Voter registration and updates
  • Petitions for special issues 
  • Candidate qualification and reporting
  • Voting equipment security

Election Integrity

All voters must provide identification to register to vote and to cast a ballot, per Florida law. Voter rolls must be monitored to remove those are deceased. All voting equipment must be approved by the Florida Division of Elections. Mail ballots must be processed according to Florida law, which includes strict signature matching and tracking mail ballot envelopes with bar codes.

Postage for Mail Ballots

Return postage should be provided for mail ballots.  This small cost can be a large barrier to voters, especially for seniors and students who may lack transportation to obtain postage stamps. Postage is only charged for the ballots that are mailed back.

More Early Voting Hours

During the primaries, Seminole County has the minimum number of early voting days and hours allowed by law. Orange County offers twice as many hours for early voting. Other counties at least offer one or two extra hours per day. These extra hours make a big difference for people with full-time jobs. 

Neutral and Fair

The current supervisor of elections Chris Anderson endorsed Donald Trump during the presidential preference primary, undermining local voter trust in election fairness. Deborah Poulalion will not give preferential treatment to any candidate on the ballot in Seminole County.

Accuracy for Every Election

In 2022, the Supervisor of Elections failed to put a charter amendment on the ballot that had been requested by the city of Oviedo. As a result, the vote was delayed for a full year. Accuracy is essential for the elections office. See the article at

No Self-Promotion

The supervisor of elections promotes his name on car wraps, signs, stickers, the Voter Guide, etc. The office pays thousands of dollars for the development of these materials. Deborah Poulalion would promote voter registration and voter services instead.

 Provide Early Voting at SSC

SSC should have early voting on campus, like UCF and Valencia College. Instead, the supervisor of elections puts our county's extra early voting location in random places that change every election. 

Need Prepaid Postage for Vote by Mail

Stamps should never be a barrier to voting. Postage is only charged for the ballots that are mailed back. This small cost is a large benefit to voters, especially for seniors and students. 

Keep Polls Open on Sunday

We need early voting on the last Sunday before Election Day for every election. This is Souls to the Polls Sunday, and an important day for many working people to vote.

Live Person Should Answer Calls

When voters call during business hours, the phones should be answered by a live person - not a 30-second long infomercial that promotes the current supervisor of elections. 

Provide Better Spanish Options

The Spanish option on the phone should be provided immediately - not after 30 seconds of talking in English. All Spanish translations should be in a font that is easily legible.

Fix the Website

The supervisor of elections website is confusing and lacks menu options to help voters find what they need. Most of the voting information is buried in the FAQs under the About tab, making voters scroll endlessly to find what they need. 

Educate High School Students

Our high school students should be fully prepared to vote the day they turn 18. I would bring official voting equipment for to the high schools for student government elections.

Clean Voter Rolls 

I would make sure voter rolls are accurate and complete. I would make every effort to contact inactive voters to ensure they are not removed mistakenly. Florida should have stayed enrolled in the ERIC system to keep voter rolls up-to-date.

Respect Poll Watchers 

Poll watchers are unpaid volunteers who observe voting operations. In Seminole County, poll watchers are required to wear large orange signs that show their name, address, and date of birth. This exposes their personal information and makes voters uncomfortable.

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